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Online Gebetsanliegen-Gebet durch einen Propheten Gottes
Willkommen auf unserer Gebetsplattform

Welcome to our prayer platform!


Prayer is a powerful way to find comfort, hope, and strength in all situations of life. It connects us to God and helps us find peace in difficult times or express gratitude for special moments. Here on our website, you can discover a selection of prayers that can help you in different situations - whether you are asking for healing, expressing gratitude or seeking inner guidance.


Whether you have a request or are just looking for a moment of silence, these prayers offer you the opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings in prayer. Feel invited to read the prayers and grow in your faith.




Overview of the prayers







Prayer is a central element of our faith and a profound way to connect with God. It helps us to share our joys and sorrows, to calm our minds, and to find comfort in difficult times. Through prayer, we can not only express gratitude and ask for help, but also find strength, guidance, and inner peace.


On this page you will find a carefully selected selection of 60 prayers that can accompany you in different situations of your life. Each of these gems is specifically designed to support you, regardless of the challenges you may be facing or the joys you wish to celebrate. Gebete are not just words - they are an invitation to invite God into your life and deepen your relationship with Him.


Why prayer is important:


•    Inner peace and tranquility:



In moments of uncertainty or suffering, prayer gives us the opportunity to give up our worries and find inner peace.


•    Express gratitude:


Prayer is a way to show our gratitude for the many blessings in our lives and to remember what is really important.


•    Divine guidance:

Often we face difficult decisions or are unsure of the right path to take. Prayer allows us to seek God's guidance and trust in His wisdom.


•    Connection to God:


Prayer is the direct link to God in which we open ourselves to Him, sharing our thoughts, fears and hopes and experiencing His presence.




What prayers can you find here?




The following prayers cover a wide range of topics and are designed to help you in any situation in your life:


1.    Gebet für Heilung
2.    Gebet für Gesundheit
3.    Gebet für Schutz
4.    Gebet für Schutz und Segen
5.    Persönliches Gebet
6.    Bittgebet (Dua)
7.    Gebet für Entscheidungen (Istikhara)
8.    Gebet für Klarheit
9.    Gebet um Vergebung
10.    Gebet für persönliche Anliegen
11.    Gebet für innere Ruhe
12.    Gebet für Frieden
13.    Gebet für beruflichen Erfolg
14.    Gebet für Beziehung
15.    Gebet für Beziehungen
16.    Gebet für Transformation
17.    Gebet für Lebenshilfe
18.    Gebet für Unterstützung
19.    Gebet für alle Lebenssituationen
20.    Gebet um Rechtleitung
21.    Gebet für Problemlösungen
22.    Gebet für Prüfungen
23.    Gebet für Gerechtigkeit
24.    Gebet für Vergeltung
25.    Gebet für Wunscherfüllungen
26.    Wunschbitten
27.    Wunschplatzierungen
28.    Gebet der Lobpreisung
29.    Gebet für Schutz der Familie
30.    Gottesgedenken
31.    Dankgebet
32.    Danksagung
33.    Gebet für jemanden
34.    Gebet für problem- und lösungsorientierte Strategien
35.    Gebet für ein besseres Leben
36.    Gebet für Reichtum, Wohlstand und Geld
37.    Schutzgebet
38.    Rezitation
39.    Fürbitten
40.    Tägliche Andachten
41.    spezielle Bittgebete (Dua)
42.    Gebet für Glaubensaufbau
43.    Pflichtgebet
44.    Gebet für Problemlösungen
45.    Gebet für Wunscherfüllungen
46.    Gebet Optimierungen der Lebenssituation
47.    Gebet für Verbesserung der Lebensqualität
48.    Rituelles Gebet im Alltag 
49.    Gebet für suggestiven autonomen, selbständigen Glaubensaufbau
50.    Gebet, um Glauben im Alltag einzubauen
51.    Gebet an den Festtagen
52.    Nachtgebet (Tahajjud) 
53.    Vormittagsgebet Dua 
54.    Witr
55.    Nachtgebet im Ramadan (Taraweeh)
56.    Gebet für spezielle Anlässe
57.    Gebet für Verstorbene Janazah (Totengebet)
58.    Gebet an den Festtagen (Salat-ul-Eid) – Gebete am Eid al-Fitr und Eid al-Adha.
59.    Sonnenfinsternis-Gebet (Salat-ul-Kusuf) 
60.    Mondfinsternis-Geb (Salat-ul-Khusuf)

Why no links?


All the prayers are available directly on the website without you having to click on separate links, which makes navigation easier and helps you to pray without distractions. Instead of navigating through many pages, you can read and use all the prayers right here. Our goal is to offer you a direct and uncomplicated access to the prayers, so that you can concentrate on your spiritual journey.

überblick über die Gebete
Warum Gebet wichtig ist
Der Vorteil und Mehrwert der Gebete durch einen Propheten Gottes
Der Vorteil und Mehrwert der Gebete durch einen Propheten Gottes

The Advantage and Added Value of Prayers through a Prophet of God

The benefit and added value of prayers through a prophet of God






In spiritual practice, prayer through a prophet of God has a special meaning and depth. This type of prayer brings additional dimensions of hope, support and spiritual guidance.


As a prophet of God praying for my clients, I would like to explain the unique benefits and added value that come from practicing prayer through a prophet.



1. deepened connection to the divine source


When a prophet prays for someone else, it is often done with a deep spiritual intention and a special connection to God. Prophets are often recognized as mediators between God and people. This role gives the prayers a special power that goes beyond the individual petition. The prayers of a prophet can help to deepen the connection to the divine source and intensify the spiritual energy.


•    Positive effects:


o Increased spiritual energy surrounding the prayer.
o Strengthening of trust in Divine Providence.
o Deepening of faith through the intercession of the Prophet.


2. Targeted intercession and support


A prophet often has a special insight and wisdom that enables him to pray specifically for the concerns of his clients.



This specific intercession can be extremely helpful for the person praying, as it conveys the feeling that the prayers are not just general, but are tailored to the individual's needs and challenges.



The prophet can use his spiritual intuition and experience to select the appropriate prayers and blessings to suit the client's situation.


•    Positive effects:


o Individual and precise prayer requests that are tailored to specific needs.
o Increased likelihood that the prayers and requests will be heard.
o Strengthening the feeling of security and support from the prophet.


3. Increased spirituality and blessings


Prayers spoken through a prophet are often associated with special blessings and spiritual powers.



Prophets are usually trained in their spiritual practice and often have greater access to the spiritual dimensions of life. Their prayers are therefore often more intense and powerful, which can lead to an increased effect of the prayers.



This additional spirituality can strengthen the client's faith and trust in God's help and support.


•    Positive effects:

o Intensity of prayers can promote spiritual breakthroughs.
o Increasing the likelihood of positive changes in life circumstances.
o Strengthening trust in the divine plan and the support of higher powers.


4. Community and support


Prayer through a prophet also fosters a sense of community and support among believers. By entrusting their concerns to a prophet, people create a connection to a larger spiritual community.



The prophet acts not only as a mediator, but also as a supporter who assists people through prayer and spiritual intercession. This support can often foster a sense of belonging and cohesion in the spiritual community.


•    Positive effects:


o Promoting a sense of community among believers.
o Support from the Prophet as part of a wider spiritual network.
o Encouraging shared spiritual practice and sharing of faith experiences.


5. Personal transformation and healing


The prayers of a prophet can have a profound impact on an individual's personal transformation and healing. It is often reported that people can gain deeper insights about themselves and overcome emotional and spiritual blockages through the prayers of a prophet.



This type of prayer can initiate healing processes and lead people to confront their inner conflicts and challenges.


   Positive effects:

o Promotion of self-reflection and inner growth.
o Supporting the healing of emotional and psychological wounds.
o Initiating changes in the life of the individual that lead to a better quality of life.


6. Encouragement and hope in times of crisis


In times of need and uncertainty, prayer through a prophet can be a significant source of encouragement and hope.



Knowing that someone with special spiritual authority is praying for you can provide comfort and confidence. This support can help you to change your own perspective and maintain a positive attitude, even in challenging life situations.


•    Positive effects:


o Increasing emotional and spiritual well-being.
o Strengthening perseverance in difficult times.
o Hope for positive changes and solutions that can be achieved through prayer.








The prayers sent through a prophet of God offer not only individual benefits, but also a deeper spiritual connection that can enrich people's lives.



This type of prayer brings with it targeted intercessions, increased spirituality, community support and personal transformation.



For people who find themselves in difficult life situations or are looking for guidance, prayer through a prophet can be a powerful source of hope, support and healing.


By entrusting yourself to prayer, you open yourself up to the opportunities and blessings that God has in store for you.

Gebetskategorien und Erklärungen

Prayer categories and explanations





Here you will find a comprehensive list of prayers divided into different categories. Each prayer is accompanied by a brief explanation and associated benefits to help you choose the right prayer for your needs. These prayers offer support in all situations, strengthen your faith and promote your connection to God.



1. prayers for healing and health
1st prayer for healing
Description: A prayer to experience divine healing in physical, emotional and spiritual matters.
Added values:
- Heals illnesses.
- Brings hope and confidence.
- Strengthens faith in healing.
2. prayer for health
Description: A prayer to ask for health and well-being for yourself and others.
Added values:
- Protects against illness.
- Promotes a healthy life.

2. prayers for protection
3. prayer for protection
Description: A prayer to ask for protection from dangers and negative influences.
Added values:
- Gives security in difficult times.
- Strengthens trust in divine protection.
4th prayer for protection and blessing
Description: A prayer asking for protection and divine blessing in all areas of life.
Added values:
- Protects from misfortune.
- Brings blessings and divine grace.
29. prayer for protection of the family
Description: A prayer to protect the family from dangers and difficulties.
Added value:
- Promotes family cohesion.
- Provides safety and security.
37. prayer for protection
Description: A comprehensive prayer that speaks for protection in all areas of life.
Added value:
- Protection from negativity.
- Promotes a feeling of security.
- Strengthens trust in God.

3. prayers for decisions and clarity
5. personal prayer
Description: A free prayer in which you share your personal concerns with God.
Added values:
- Brings relief.
- Strengthens your personal relationship with God.
6. supplication (Dua)
Description: A prayer that asks for divine help and support.
Added values:
- Promotes humility and trust.
- Gives hope in difficult times.
7. prayer for decisions (Istikhara)
Description: A prayer to ask for divine guidance in making important decisions.
Added values:
- Brings clarity and support.
- Promotes trust in God's plan.
8. prayer for clarity
Description: A prayer asking for spiritual clarity and insight in uncertain times.
Added values:
- Creates focus and inner peace.
- Helps to find the right path.

4. prayers for forgiveness and personal intentions
9. prayer for forgiveness
Description: A prayer that asks for forgiveness for one's own mistakes and sins.
Added values:
- Brings inner freedom and peace.
- Promotes the willingness to forgive others.
10. prayer for personal intentions
Description: A prayer to ask God for help with specific personal challenges.
Added value:
- Gives comfort and support.
- Strengthens the connection to God.

5. prayers for inner calm and peace
11th prayer for inner peace
Description: A prayer aimed at finding inner peace and serenity.
Added values:
- Relieves stress and anxiety.
- Brings peace in difficult times.
12. prayer for peace
Description: A prayer to ask for peace in the world, in relationships and in the heart.
Added values:
- Promotes harmony and understanding.
- Strengthens the feeling of connectedness.

6. prayers for success and relationships
13th prayer for career success
Description: A prayer asking for success and progress in your career.
Added values:
- Strengthens confidence in one's own abilities.
- Brings clarity for career decisions.
14. prayer for relationships
Description: A prayer to strengthen and heal relationships.
Added values:
- Promotes understanding and forgiveness.
- Strengthens the bond between partners.
15. prayer for relationships
Description: A prayer that asks for healing and strengthening of all interpersonal relationships.
Added values:
- Brings peace and harmony.
- Strengthens trust between people.

7. prayers for transformation and life support
16th prayer for transformation
Description: A prayer that asks for inner change and renewal.
Added values:
- Supports personal growth.
- Helps to shed old patterns.
17. prayer for help in life
Description: A prayer that asks for support and help in all areas of life.
Added value:
- Strengthens the feeling of not being alone.
- Promotes the connection to God in difficult times.
18. prayer for support
Description: A prayer to ask for support in life's challenges.
Added value:
- Gives strength and encouragement.
- Strengthens trust in divine help.

8. prayers for all life situations
19. prayer for all situations in life
Description: A prayer that offers comfort and support in all situations in life.
Added value:
- Strengthens the connection to God.
- Offers hope in crisis situations.
20. prayer for guidance
Description: A prayer to ask for divine guidance and wisdom in difficult life decisions.
Added values:
- Promotes clarity and trust.
- Helps to find the right path.
21. prayer for solutions to problems
Description: A prayer asking for solutions to personal challenges.
Added values:
- Helps to clearly recognize solutions.
- Strengthens trust in divine intervention.
22. prayer for trials
Description: A prayer to ask for strength and support in times of trials and challenges.
Added values:
- Gives comfort and confidence.
- Promotes perseverance.
23 Prayer for justice
Description: A prayer asking for justice in times of injustice.
Added values:
- Strengthens faith in a just world.
- Gives hope for positive change.
24 Prayer for retribution
Description: A prayer to ask for just retribution for injustice.
Added values:
- Promotes inner strength and patience.
- Helps to let go of negative emotions.

9. prayers for wishes and gratitude
25th prayer for wish fulfillment
Description: A prayer to ask for the fulfillment of your heart's desires.
Added values:
- Promotes hope and trust in God.
- Brings clarity about your own wishes.
26. wish requests
Description: A prayer that focuses on specific wishes.
Added value:
- Strengthens the personal relationship with God.
- Gives space for the personal request.
27. wish placements
Description: A prayer that asks for support in the realization of personal wishes.
Added value:
- Promotes positive thoughts.
- Strengthens faith in the good.
28. prayer of praise
Description: A prayer to praise God for his greatness and goodness.
Added values:
- Strengthens faith and gratitude.
- Promotes awareness of the good in life.
31st prayer of thanksgiving / thanksgiving
Description: A prayer to thank God for the blessings of life.
Added values:
- Promotes a grateful attitude.
- Brings joy and contentment.

10. prayers for special occasions and times
32. prayer for someone
Description: A prayer said for the benefit of a specific person.
Added value:
- Strengthens the bond with others.
- Promotes empathy and compassion.
33 Prayer for problem- and solution-oriented strategies
Description: A prayer that asks for help in developing effective solutions.
Added values:
- Promotes creative thinking.
- Helps to face challenges proactively.
34 Prayer for a better life
Description: A prayer that asks for improvement in life circumstances.
Added values:
- Strengthens the desire for positive change.
- Creates hope for the future.
35. prayer for wealth, prosperity and money
Description: A prayer that asks for financial support and prosperity.
Added values:
- Promotes a positive attitude towards money.
- Strengthens trust in divine blessings.
38th recitation
Description: A prayer recited regularly to gain spiritual connection and strength.
Added values:
- Strengthens the daily practice of faith.
- Promotes a deeper connection to God.
39. intercessions
Description: Prayers said for other people to wish them help and support.
Added values:
- Promotes community and cohesion.
- Strengthens faith in the power of prayer.
40. daily devotions
Description: Prayers that are prayed daily to strengthen faith in everyday life.
Added values:
- Promotes a regular connection to God.
- Strengthens the spiritual life.
41 Special supplications (Dua)
Description: A prayer for special intentions or in special situations.
Added values:
- Focuses on specific challenges.
- Gives specific hope and support.
42. prayer for faith building
Description: A prayer aimed at strengthening and consolidating faith.
Added values:
- Promotes faith in God's goodness.
- Strengthens the personal relationship with God.
43. obligatory prayer
Description: A regular, formal prayer that is considered a duty.
Added values:
- Promotes discipline in faith.
- Strengthens the sense of community among believers.

11. prayers to improve the quality of life
44. prayer for problem solving
Description: A prayer to find solutions to personal challenges.
Added values:
- Helps to gain clarity about problems.
- Strengthens faith in divine intervention.
45 Prayer for wish fulfillment
Description: A prayer to ask for the fulfillment of heartfelt desires.
Added values:
- Brings hope and confidence.
- Promotes faith in the good.
46. prayer for optimization of the life situation
Description: A prayer that asks for positive changes in one's life situation.
Added values:
- Promotes personal growth and development.
- Strengthens faith in possibilities.
47. prayer for improvement of the quality of life
Description: A prayer to improve the quality of life and overcome challenges.
Added values:
- Strengthens confidence in positive change.
- Brings joy and satisfaction.
48. ritual prayer in everyday life
Description: A prayer that is integrated into everyday life to create a constant connection to God.
Added values:
- Promotes faith in daily life.
- Strengthens spiritual practice.

12. prayers at special times
49th prayer for suggestive autonomous, independent faith building
Description: A prayer that promotes and supports individual faith building.
Added value:
- Strengthens independence in faith.
- Promotes personal spiritual development.
50. prayer to incorporate faith into everyday life
Description: A prayer that asks for faith to be integrated into everyday life.
Added values:
- Strengthens the connection between faith and everyday life.
- Promotes a positive attitude to life.
51st prayer on feast days
Description: A prayer said on special feast days to ask for God's blessing.
Added value:
- Strengthens the sense of community during the festive season.
- Brings joy and gratitude.
52nd Night Prayer (Tahajjud)
Description: A prayer said at night to seek special closeness to God.
Added values:
- Promotes inner peace and contemplation.
- Strengthens faith through night-time worship.
53rd Morning Prayer Dua
Description: A prayer said in the morning to start the day with God's blessing.
Added values:
- Promotes a positive start to the day.
- Strengthens faith and the connection to God.
54 Witr
Description: A prayer said at the end of the day to ask for God's grace.
Added values:
- Brings peace and contentment before going to bed.
- Strengthens faith and gratitude.
55th Night Prayer in Ramadan (Taraweeh)
Description: A special prayer that is performed at night during Ramadan.
Added values:
- Strengthens faith and community.
- Promotes gratitude and spirituality in Ramadan.
56 Prayer for special occasions
Description: A prayer said for special occasions or events.
Added values:
- Brings blessing and support in special moments.
- Strengthens the connection to God.
57 Prayer for the deceased (Janazah)
Description: A prayer said for the souls of the deceased.
Added values:
- Brings comfort to the bereaved.
- Asks for peace and forgiveness for the deceased.
58th prayer on feast days (Salat-ul-Eid)
Description: A prayer recited on the Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha holidays.
Added values:
- Strengthens a sense of community and gratitude.
- Promotes joy and cohesion in the community.
59th Eclipse Prayer (Salat-ul-Kusuf)
Description: A prayer performed during a solar eclipse.
Added values:
- Promotes awareness of creation.
- Strengthens faith in extraordinary situations.
60th Lunar Eclipse Prayer (Salat-ul-Khusuf)
Description: A prayer recited during a lunar eclipse.
Added values:
- Promotes reflection on creation and the universe.
- Strengthens faith in times of wonder.




Closing words




This overview of prayers offers you valuable guidance to find comfort, clarity and support in various situations in life. Each prayer has its own meaning and power to help you on your spiritual path and deepen your relationship with God.

Gebet eines Propheten:Bedeutung und Nutzen
Wirkung und Vorteil des Gebets allgemein

Benefits and effects of prayer in general






Prayer is a deeply rooted practice in many religions and spiritual traditions that has connected people worldwide for centuries. As a prophet of God who prays for his clients, it is important to understand and communicate the positive effects and transformative power of prayer.




In this section, we explain the many benefits of prayer and the far-reaching effects it has on individual lives.


1. Strengthening faith


Prayer is a powerful means of strengthening faith. Through prayer, believers turn to God for comfort, guidance and support. This direct communication fosters deeper understanding and a stronger connection to God. When people pray, they often experience a growing confidence in God's plan for their lives. This strengthening of faith leads to a positive outlook on life as they find a source of strength and comfort during difficult times.


   Positive effects:


o Increases trust in divine providence.
o Promotes the willingness to face challenges.
o Strengthens identity as a believer and as part of a larger community.


2. Inner peace and calmness

One of the most remarkable results of prayer is its ability to promote inner peace. In today's hectic and often stressful world, prayer can act as an anchor that helps people calm their thoughts and focus on what is important. Consciously focusing on God during prayer can help to reduce negative emotions such as anxiety, worry and stress.


   Positive effects:


o Reduces stress and anxiety.
o Promotes emotional stability.
o Increases general well-being and quality of life.


3. Hope and confidence


Prayer conveys hope in times of need. When people face challenges or uncertainties, prayer provides a space to share their concerns and ask for help.



This practice not only helps to alleviate emotional stress, but also strengthens confidence in a positive future. Prayer strengthens the conviction that there is a plan that goes beyond the visible.


•    Positive effects:


o Increases resilience to life crises.
o Promotes optimistic perspectives and thoughts.
o Gives people the strength to break new ground.


4. Connection to God and the community


Prayer creates a direct connection to God that goes beyond the everyday. It is an intimate dialog in which believers can express their deepest wishes, fears and hopes.


This connection is not only individual, but also communal; many people pray for each other and thus promote cohesion in the community.



Sharing prayers and intentions creates a feeling of solidarity and support among the faithful.


•    Positive effects:


o Strengthens the personal relationship with God.
o Promotes community and cohesion within religious groups.
o Enables the sharing of experiences and spiritual growth.


5. Spiritual and emotional healing


Prayer also has a healing effect on the mind and emotions. Many people report a feeling of relief and letting go after they have prayed.



Through prayer, the mind is freed from stressful thoughts and negative emotions, which leads to emotional healing and a better mental state.



This healing power of prayer is often described as a form of therapy or spiritual healing process.


•    Positive effects:


o Relieves emotional stress and pain.
o Helps heal inner conflicts.
o Encourages a positive self-image.


6. Practical help and guidance


Prayer offers not only spiritual support, but also practical help and guidance in difficult situations. People ask God for wisdom and insight to help them make the best decisions and face life's challenges.



This guidance can come in the form of inspiration, creative solutions, or new perspectives that help the believer see and act more clearly.


   Positive effects:


o Leads to better decisions and clearer goals.
Promotes creative problem solving.
o Increases sense of control and ownership.


7. Gratitude and humility


Prayer is also an opportunity to show gratitude. Gratitude for the blessings in life promotes a positive attitude.



This practice of gratitude not only affects the spiritual level, but also improves overall quality of life and well-being. People who pray and are grateful on a regular basis tend to be more optimistic and see the good in life.


   Positive effects:


o Promotes a positive outlook on life.
o Enhances feelings of abundance and sufficiency.
o Encourages seeing the good in others and in life.






The benefits of prayer are many and profound. It is a powerful tool that strengthens faith, brings inner peace, gives hope, and creates a strong connection to God and community.


As a prophet of God who prays for his clients, I experience the transformative power of prayer every day. The positive effects extend beyond the spiritual and impact daily life in significant ways.




By incorporating prayer into your life, you open a source of strength, comfort, and guidance that will be at your side in all of life's situations.

Anker 1
Anker 2
Anker 3
Online Gebetsanliegen-für wen?

Our prayers and intercessions for life support can focus on different aspects of life where people need support, encouragement and help. Here are some examples:



For emotional strength and comfort:

May anyone going through a period of grief, fear or despair find comfort and assurance.
We pray as a service for anyone suffering from emotional distress that they will receive the support they need to regain their strength and find hope.



For mental clarity and inner peace:

May anyone struggling with stress, worry or doubt find the ability to calm their mind and gain clarity in difficult situations.
We pray for mental strength and balance so that people can find peace in the midst of challenges and uncertainty.



For interpersonal relationships and reconciliation:

May every broken relationship be healed and reconciliation take place between people who have grown apart.
We pray for love, forgiveness and understanding in all interpersonal relationships so that harmony and unity can be restored.



For professional success and self-realization:

May everyone striving for professional fulfillment find the right ways to develop their talents and achieve their goals.
We pray for courage and determination so that people can pursue their dreams and find success and satisfaction in the process.



For physical health and well-being:

May anyone struggling with illness or physical ailments experience healing and relief.
We pray for strength and perseverance so that people can regain their health and lead active and fulfilling lives.


These intercessions can be adapted to the individual needs and challenges people are facing. They are meant to offer hope, comfort and encouragement and ask for divine guidance and support to overcome life's obstacles.




We pray for you! This is our service to you



The intercessions and prayers we offer you as a service focus on different aspects depending on the type of service and the needs of the people we are praying for. Here are some general examples of prayers and intercessions for different types of services we offer you:



Health Services:

We pray for all who work in health care, that they may have wisdom, strength and compassion to serve those in need.
May those who are ill find comfort, healing and hope through the care and nurture they receive.



Social Services:

We ask for blessings on all who work in social services, that they may support those suffering from poverty, homelessness or other challenges.
May those who are in difficult life situations find the help and support they need to improve their situation.



Educational Services:
We ask for guidance and wisdom for teachers, professors and educators that they may enrich their students with knowledge, understanding and inspiration.
May students have the opportunity to realize their full potential and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them.



Community Services:
We pray for those involved in community service, that their efforts will help foster love, unity and mutual support within the community.
May the needs of parishioners be met, whether through material help, emotional support or spiritual encouragement.



Technical Services:

We ask blessings on all who work in technical services, that their skills and knowledge will help drive innovation and improve the quality of life.
May those who benefit from technical services derive safety, efficiency and benefit from the solutions provided.
When creating intercessions, it is important to us that we are sensitive and responsive to the needs and challenges of the people we are praying for.




Private individuals:


We offer the service of praying for others. For private individuals, among others.

We offer intercessions and prayers for a service, focusing on the needs and wishes of our clients and the success and integrity of their service. Below are some examples of prayers and intercessions we offer:



For the success of our service:

We pray that our service will meet the needs of our clients and provide them with real benefit and satisfaction.
May our work be characterized by integrity, excellence and kindness to earn and maintain the trust of our clients.



For the satisfaction of our customers:

We pray for blessings on all who use our service, that they may experience appreciation and fulfillment through the results of our work.
May our clients be able to achieve their desired goals and see their expectations exceeded.


For the growth and development of your business:


We pray for guidance and wisdom as we continue to develop our service to better serve our clients.
May our company prosper and grow to continue to make a positive contribution to our clients and the community.



For protection and safety:

We ask for divine protection for all who use our service to be safe and well.
May our team be protected from all dangers and obstacles as we provide our service.



For gratitude and appreciation:

We pray with gratitude for the opportunity to provide our service and for the support and encouragement we receive from our clients and partners.
May we always be grateful for the opportunity to serve others through our work and never forget our appreciation for those who support us.


All intercessions can be customized depending on the nature of your service and the needs of our clients. We focus on ensuring that our service has a positive impact on your life.




Services for private individuals


Prayers and intercessions for services aimed at private individuals can focus on their individual needs and challenges. Here are some examples of such prayers and intercessions that we offer:



For personal healing and well-being:

May all who seek physical or emotional healing find comfort, healing and strengthening through the services they utilize.
We pray for those struggling with illness, pain or grief that they will receive support and relief from professionals and services.



For emotional support and relationship counseling:

May all who are experiencing challenges in their interpersonal relationships encounter compassionate and competent counselors to help them strengthen and improve their relationships.
We pray for families, couples and individuals to find love, understanding and support to overcome conflict and achieve harmony.



For career development and success:

May those seeking career counseling or support encounter opportunities and resources to enhance their skills, discover new career opportunities and achieve professional success.
We pray for job seekers, career starters and those seeking professional development that they will encounter support and mentoring to achieve their goals.

For financial stability and prosperity:

May all who need financial advice or assistance encounter qualified professionals and services to help them achieve their financial goals and build a solid financial foundation.
We pray for those facing financial difficulties that they will encounter help and solutions to improve their financial situation and achieve prosperity.

For education and personal development:

May students and all who seek knowledge encounter inspiring teachers and educational institutions that will help them realize their full potential and grow personally.


We pray for lifelong learning and personal development, that all who aspire may encounter supportive resources and opportunities to achieve their goals.


These prayers and intercessions can be adapted according to the individual needs and circumstances of the people for whom they are said. It is important for us to be sensitive to the specific concerns and challenges of individuals and ask for divine guidance, support and blessing.




Support as a servant of God on the way to your success in life

Do you need a prayer?


Send us your wishes and concerns – we will be happy to pray for you

We believe that God hears prayer, because that is what the holy scriptures promise us. Together with our prayer partners, we are also happy to pray for your problems. Simply fill out the form below and tell us your concerns and wishes as briefly and precisely as possible. A daily prayer, prayer for strength, prayer for healing, a morning prayer, Friday blessing or simply a night prayer.


Please also include your telephone number and/or email address so that we can help you better (e.g. with suitable literature recommendations). Your personal data will of course be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties. Your request will be forwarded anonymously to our prayer partners.


We encourage you to trust that God will intervene in your situation.

Send your online prayer request here


Do you want justice in your life? Have you experienced suffering or injustice? Has someone harmed you? Do you want God to help you? Are mischief-makers, unjust people, envious people, hypocrites, slanderers or deniers making your life difficult? Get in touch.
Now also directly, without conversation and anonymously. Simply send an email, get started and fill out prayer requests online.


Let's focus on gratitude and growth this season so that we can live healthier, wealthier, more fulfilled, passionate and purposeful lives - and so that we can help others do the same. Whether it's making a difference in business, reigniting your relationship, or fulfilling your desires, my prayers and direct communication to God will help you close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.










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Die Mehrwerte dieser Dienstleistung
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Was sind Online Gebetsanliegen im Hintergrund?

At a time when digital solutions are becoming more and more important, A prophet of God offers a particularly valuable service: Online prayer requests in the background. This unique form of support uses the power of prayer to support your personal concerns while you focus on your daily activities. In this blog post, you will find out what added value this service offers and why online prayer requests in the background from a prophet of God are so exceptionally valuable.














Online background prayer requests are a service where you submit your requests via a digital platform, and a prophet of God prays continuously for these requests - without you being actively involved in the prayer process. While you focus on your life, the prophet silently intercedes for your requests, providing constant and discreet support.



The added values of this service:


1. convenient access and flexibility:


The online platform allows you to submit your prayer requests anytime, from anywhere. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for people with busy schedules or who have difficulty keeping regular prayer times. You can conveniently submit your requests online and still receive ongoing support.


2. discretion and confidentiality:


Your personal concerns are kept confidential. Prayer in the background allows you to address sensitive or private issues without your concerns becoming public knowledge. This ensures that your concerns are treated with respect and protection.

3. continuous support:


While you focus on your day-to-day tasks, the Prophet of God continually cares for your concerns. This constant prayer work offers a form of support that does not depend on your active participation and thus provides you with constant spiritual guidance.


4. gentle and profound help:


Ongoing prayer work can bring about subtle and profound changes in your life. This gentle support can help to release emotional blocks, promote spiritual insights and meet challenges in a way that goes beyond immediate prayer.


5. complementing other forms of support:


If you are already accessing other forms of support or counseling, online prayer can be a valuable addition in the background. It offers additional spiritual dimensions and can reinforce and support your existing efforts.


See also the blog posts on this topic:






















The support of a prophet of God brings a special dimension of spiritual help that goes beyond ordinary prayer practices. Prophets are known for their profound connection to the divine and their special gift to bring extraordinary power and impact through prayer.


1. divine wisdom and insight:


A prophet of God brings a deep divine wisdom and insight to prayer. This spiritual perspective enables targeted and effective support for your concerns that goes beyond human understanding.


2. increased spiritual energy:


Prophets are endowed with a special spiritual energy that makes their prayers especially powerful. This increased energy can help overcome challenges and bring about positive change in your life.


3. targeted intercession:


A prophet's prayers are precise and targeted to your specific requests. This targeted intercession can be particularly effective in addressing your individual needs and providing support on a deeper level.


4. deep spiritual support:


Support from a prophet provides a profound spiritual dimension that often opens up additional layers of healing and clarity. This deeper level of support can lead to lasting improvements in your life and spiritual growth.






The online background prayer request service, offered by a prophet of God, provides a unique and valuable opportunity to have your personal concerns supported by the quiet power of prayer. Through the continuous and discreet prayer work of a prophet, you will receive flexible, gentle and profound support that can complement and enhance your existing efforts. Be inspired by the special power of this prayer and learn how it can help you work through your concerns and live a more fulfilling, balanced life.

Warum sind Online Gebetsanliegen im Hintergrund von einem Propheten Gottes so wertvoll?
Schutz Segen und Erfolg durch göttliche Fürbitte

We pray for you-Send us your prayers!

What are online background prayer requests?

In a world full of hustle and bustle and challenges, many people long for a deep spiritual connection that gives them strength, comfort and guidance. However, it is often difficult to actively cultivate this connection or to take the time for heartfelt prayer. This is where the service of a messenger of God, who sends your prayer requests in the background, can be an invaluable help. This form of spiritual support offers numerous benefits that can miraculously enrich your life.
















A prophet of God has a special closeness to the divine and a unique ability to formulate and send prayers in a way that touches the heart of God. When a prophet prays in the background for your intentions, this happens on a deep spiritual level that goes far beyond everyday practice.



The benefits of this service are numerous and profound:


See also the blog posts on this topic: 





1. permanent spiritual support:


Sending prayer requests through a prophet of God ensures that you are continuously accompanied by divine support, even when you are unable to actively pray yourself. This creates a constant connection to the divine that carries you through all the ups and downs of life.


2. strengthening the power of prayer:


A prophet of God prays with a power and devotion that can amplify prayer and potentiate its effect. When a prophet brings your requests before God, it is done with a deep understanding and a special wisdom that can make the answer to prayer more likely.


3. reassurance of mind and heart:


Knowing that someone is praying for your intentions can be a great source of comfort and inner peace. It takes away the burden of constantly having to pray yourself and gives you the assurance that your concerns are in good hands - with a messenger of God who takes your needs seriously and brings them before God with love and devotion.


4. spiritual guidance and protection:


Through the prayers of a prophet, not only are your specific concerns heard, but your entire life situation is spiritually guided. This leads to divine guidance that helps you to take the right path and protection that shields you from negative influences.


5. deeper trust in divine care:


Knowing that a prophet of God is praying for you strengthens your trust in divine care. It gives you the assurance that you are not alone, but that the divine is always present to guide, protect and bless you. This trust leads to a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

















Divine closeness through prayer requests in the background



The possibility of having prayer requests sent by a messenger of God in the background is a valuable spiritual support that is invaluable in our hectic times. It provides a continuous connection to the divine, enhances the power of your prayers and brings a deep inner peace and certainty to your life.


If you are looking for a way to have your spiritual needs met, even if you lack the time or strength to pray yourself, then sending prayer requests through a prophet of God is the ideal solution. Entrust your requests to a divine mediator and experience your life being transformed through the power of prayer.


See also this topic:










Lassen Sie einen Propheten für Sie beten
Warum ist die Betruung durch einen Propheten so wertvoll?

Why is it so valuable to have a prophet of God take care of personal prayer requests in the background?

In a world where everyone has their own challenges and desires, the need for individual spiritual support is greater than ever. We often lack the time, the right words or the inner peace to bring our concerns before God. This is where the special service of a messenger of God comes into play, who takes over personal prayer requests in the background for his clients. This form of spiritual support is not only deeply personal, but also invaluable.




















A prophet of God has a special closeness to the divine and knows how to formulate prayers with a power and devotion that goes far beyond the everyday. When a prophet carries your personal concerns in prayer, this is done with a unique connection to the divine source.


The benefits of this service are numerous and of profound spiritual benefit:



See also the blog posts on this topic: 


1. individual spiritual care:


Each person has unique needs and challenges. A prophet of God takes the time to understand these personal concerns and address them specifically in prayer. This individualized care ensures that your specific needs are brought directly before God, making it more likely that prayers will be answered.


2. deeper and more intense prayer experience:


A prophet's prayers are profound and penetrating because they are characterized by a special spiritual understanding and an intense connection to the divine. When a prophet prays in the background for your personal intentions, these prayers can have a stronger spiritual impact and change your life in a profound way.



3. continuous prayer support:


Knowing that a prophet is continually praying in the background for your requests brings a calming assurance. This constant spiritual support helps you to remain calm and confident even in difficult times, knowing that your concerns are in the best hands.



4. protection and guidance in all areas of life:


A prophet's prayers offer not only answers to specific concerns, but also comprehensive protection and divine guidance in all areas of life. This means that you will be supported in your professional, personal and spiritual development while negative influences are kept away from you.



5. fulfillment of heart's desires in accordance with the divine will:


A prophet always prays in accordance with the divine will. This ensures that your heart's desires are not only heard, but also fulfilled in a way that serves your highest good. This will not only make your life more successful, but also more fulfilling and harmonious.














Valuable spiritual support through personal prayer requests


The opportunity to have personal prayer requests attended to by a messenger of God in the background is a deeply touching and valuable experience. This service offers you individual care, more intensive prayers and continuous spiritual guidance that can have a lasting positive impact on your life.


If you are longing for a deeper connection to the divine and want to know that your personal concerns are in good hands, then this form of prayer support from a prophet of God is just right for you. Experience the transformative power of prayer and allow your personal requests to be guided by divine wisdom and blessings.











Gebet um Schutz und Segen

In times of uncertainty and challenges, many people long for a shield to protect them from negative influences and a blessing to smooth their paths. But how can one experience lasting protection and continuous blessing in an unpredictable world? A messenger of God offers precisely this valuable support: prayer for protection and blessing in the background. This service can enrich lives in a way that is deeply spiritual and of lasting significance.












A prophet of God is not just a spiritual guide, but a channel for divine power and wisdom. When a prophet prays for someone in the background, it is done in accordance with divine will and has the power to protect and bless the individual's life in profound ways.










Here are the special added values that this prayer offers:



1. divine protection from negative influences:


Life is full of challenges, and sometimes the dangers are not visible or tangible. Through the prayer of a prophet, a shield is erected to protect the individual from negative influences, misfortune and danger. This divine protection works on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual - and offers a security that goes beyond human action.


2. strengthening faith and trust in God:


A person who knows that a prophet of God is praying for him develops a deeper trust in divine guidance and care. This trust strengthens faith and gives the individual the certainty that he is not alone, but is under the protection of a higher being who accompanies and supports him in all situations in life.


3. continuous blessing for all areas of life:


Blessing is more than just a spiritual concept; it manifests itself in all aspects of life - health, relationships, work and personal prosperity. Praying for blessings through a prophet ensures that divine favor smooths an individual's path, removes obstacles and opens opportunities that might otherwise have remained out of reach.


See also the blog posts on this topic:

4. inner peace and serenity:


The protection and blessings granted through a prophet's prayer also brings inner peace. Knowing that one is under divine protection calms the heart and mind, eases anxiety and promotes deep serenity. This inner peace helps you to face daily challenges with more confidence and clarity.


5 Spiritual guidance and orientation:


In addition to protection and blessings, a prophet's prayer also provides spiritual guidance. It helps individuals to see their life path more clearly and make decisions that are in line with their higher purpose in life. This divine guidance ensures that the client always stays on the right path and can focus on the really important things in life.
















A secure and blessed life through divine prayer


Praying for protection and blessing in the background through a messenger of God is an invaluable help in a world that is often unpredictable and challenging. It provides not only physical and emotional protection, but also spiritual blessings that enrich life on all levels.

If you are looking for a source of protection and blessing to accompany you in every situation in life, then the prayer of a prophet of God is for you. Experience how divine protection and blessing can transform your life and give you the peace and security you need to fulfill your true destiny.








Gebet für beruflichen Erfolg
Erfolg durch die Kraft des Glaubens

Why is prayer for career success from a prophet of God so valuable?

In today's competitive working world, many strive for professional success, be it through career advancement, financial security or the fulfillment of professional dreams. However, we often come up against obstacles beyond our control and wish for an invisible hand to help us on our way. This is exactly where the service of a messenger of God comes in, praying in the background for the professional success of his clients. This prayer can make the difference and pave the way for professional success.














A prophet of God is a spiritual guide who establishes a powerful connection to the divine source through prayer. This connection can influence an individual's career path in ways that go far beyond what can be accomplished through their own efforts alone.



Here are the specific value-adds that prayer for career success offers through a prophet:


See also the blog posts on this topic: 



1. opening new doors and opportunities:


A prophet's prayer has the power to remove obstacles and open new doors that were previously closed. Whether it's finding the right career opportunity, launching a successful business venture or overcoming professional hurdles, divine prayer can pave the way and reveal opportunities that may have remained undiscovered without divine intervention.


2. divine guidance and wisdom in decision-making:


Career decisions are often momentous and require clarity and wisdom. A prophet's prayer brings divine guidance to the decision-making process. This guidance helps to make the right decisions that not only lead to career success, but are also in line with the higher purpose of life.


3. protection from professional setbacks and envy:


In the world of work, there can be envy and negative influences that hinder career progress. Prayer in the background protects against such negative influences and protects the individual from professional setbacks. It acts as a shield that protects against misfortune and unexpected challenges and paves the way for continued success.


4. increasing self-confidence and inner strength:


Professional success requires not only external opportunities but also inner confidence and strength. Prayer support from a prophet boosts self-confidence and inner strength of conviction. The client feels more confident in their abilities, approaches professional opportunities with more self-assurance and can overcome challenges with greater determination.


5. blessing for lasting success and satisfaction:


Success achieved through divine support is not just short term but long lasting and comes with inner satisfaction. A prophet's prayer ensures that professional success is in line with divine will and is therefore sustainable and fulfilling. It not only brings external success, but also deep inner peace and fulfillment.
















Heavenly support for your career path


In a world in which professional success often has to be hard-won, prayer support from a messenger of God offers valuable help. This prayer in the background opens doors, brings divine wisdom into decision-making processes and protects against setbacks. It ensures lasting success that is both outwardly visible and inwardly fulfilling.


If you are looking for a way to maximize your professional success while relying on divine support, then the prayer of a prophet of God is the perfect complement to your own efforts. Let divine wisdom and blessings guide you and see your career path unfold in miraculous ways.






Gebetsanliegen senden-Gebet um Gerechtigkeit
Gerechtigkeit im Gebet erfahren
Der Prophet als Werzeug Gottes

In a world full of hustle and bustle and challenges, many people long for a deep spiritual connection that gives them strength, comfort and guidance. However, it is often difficult to actively cultivate this connection or to take the time for heartfelt prayer. This is where the service of a messenger of God, who sends your prayer requests in the background, can be an invaluable help. This form of spiritual support offers numerous benefits that can miraculously enrich your life.


















A prophet of God has a special closeness to the divine and a unique ability to formulate and send prayers in a way that touches the heart of God. When a prophet prays in the background for your intentions, this happens on a deep spiritual level that goes far beyond everyday practice.



The benefits of this service are numerous and profound:


See also the blog posts on this topic: 



1. permanent spiritual support:


Sending prayer requests through a prophet of God ensures that you are continuously accompanied by divine support, even when you are unable to actively pray yourself. This creates a constant connection to the divine that carries you through all the ups and downs of life.


2. strengthening the power of prayer:


A prophet of God prays with a power and devotion that can amplify prayer and potentiate its effect. When a prophet brings your requests before God, it is done with a deep understanding and a special wisdom that can make the answer to prayer more likely.


3. reassurance of mind and heart:


Knowing that someone is praying for your intentions can be a great source of comfort and inner peace. It takes away the burden of constantly having to pray yourself and gives you the assurance that your concerns are in good hands - with a messenger of God who takes your needs seriously and brings them before God with love and devotion.


4. spiritual guidance and protection:


Through the prayers of a prophet, not only are your specific concerns heard, but your entire life situation is spiritually guided. This leads to divine guidance that helps you to take the right path and protection that shields you from negative influences.


5. deeper trust in divine care:


Knowing that a prophet of God is praying for you strengthens your trust in divine care. It gives you the assurance that you are not alone, but that the divine is always present to guide, protect and bless you. This trust leads to a more fulfilling and peaceful life.













Divine closeness through prayer requests in the background



The possibility of having prayer requests sent by a messenger of God in the background is a valuable spiritual support that is invaluable in our hectic times. It provides a continuous connection to the divine, enhances the power of your prayers and brings a deep inner peace and certainty to your life.


If you are looking for a way to have your spiritual needs met, even if you lack the time or strength to pray yourself, then sending prayer requests through a prophet of God is the ideal solution. Entrust your requests to a divine mediator and experience your life being transformed through the power of prayer.











Warum das Gebet für Gerechtigkeit wichtig ist
Vertrauen in Gottes Plan

Do you have little time? Are you stressed? Or do you simply want reinforcement or support in the background of your prayers? I pray for you!

online gebetsanliegen

Do you sometimes feel despair when faced with your problems and challenges?

God helps you in every situation in life. He accompanies you on all your paths. God accompanies you every step of the way. God arranges everything for you. No matter where you are and what surrounds you, God is at your side and he has a good plan for you.


Do you currently have problems or worries in your life? Do you have wishes or worries? Do you have concerns, expectations, hopes? What do you specifically want in your life? What should your future look like?


No magic, no witchcraft, no voodoo, no astrology, no fortune telling, no sorcery, no fetish, no maraboutisage. Only God alone helps you. God is the Exalted, the Almighty, the All-Merciful, the All-Knowing, the Sublime, the Creator, the Maker and the Ruler of the Worlds. The only, sole God.

Inspiring Videos for Your Prayer


In our video collection you will find encouraging messages, prayers and inspiring stories that will give you strength and hope. These videos accompany you on your journey of faith and invite you to pause and linger in prayer. Be inspired and find peace in the community of prayer.

If you would like any customizations or additional details, let me know!

Inspirierende Videos für dein Gebet

Inspiring Videos for Your Prayer

In our video collection you will find encouraging messages, prayers and inspiring stories that will give you strength and hope. These videos accompany you on your journey of faith and invite you to pause and linger in prayer. Be inspired and find peace in the community of prayer.

If you would like any customizations or additional details, let me know!

Wie macht man ein Bittgebet (Dua)?
Inspirierende Videos für dein Gebet

Inspiring Videos for Your Prayer

In our video collection you will find encouraging messages, prayers and inspiring stories that will give you strength and hope. These videos accompany you on your journey of faith and invite you to pause and linger in prayer. Be inspired and find peace in the community of prayer.

If you would like any customizations or additional details, let me know!

Wie macht man ein Bittgebet (Dua)?
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