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  • Tradition (Hadith) Topic Intelligence 

    Tradition (Hadith) Topic Intelligence     Anas (r) reported: >> God's Messenger (s) said: “Temperament* in childhood indicates high intelligence in adulthood.” <<   * `urâmah (Arabic) = naughtiness, temperamental behavior, naughtiness   (Hâkim, Jâmi'us-saghîr)     More blog posts:   What does hadith mean? “Hadith” is an Arabic word that can be translated as ‘narration’, ‘tradition’ or ‘saying’. A hadith is a narrated statement, action or approval of the Prophet Muhammad (S). Alongside the Qur'an, hadiths are an important source for the Islamic way of life. They were handed down and collected orally and in writing by the Prophet's companions and later generations.   We pray for you. Whether you pray and we pray for you in parallel or you do not pray. Send a prayer for protection and blessings now.

  • Prayer for Healing in the Background by a Prophet of God: The Silent Power of Heavenly Support

    Prayer for Healing in the Background by a Prophet of God: The Silent Power of Heavenly Support In times of physical or emotional distress, many of us turn to prayer to seek healing and comfort. But there is a special form of prayer support that is deeply rooted in our spiritual tradition: prayer for healing that is supported in the background by a prophet of God. This silent but powerful heavenly intercession can support our healing process in a special way and offers us numerous added values. What does prayer for healing in the background by a messenger of God mean? Prayer for healing in the background from a messenger of God refers to the idea that our prayers for healing are not only spoken by ourselves, but are also supported and reinforced by a heavenly being - such as an angel or spiritual guide - in the background. This divine support often happens without our knowledge, but has a deep and powerful effect on our healing process. See also the blog posts on this topic: Why is prayer for healing in the background of a prophet of God so valuable? 1. deeper access to divine healing power Prophets of God serve as channels for divine healing power. When they pray in the background for our healing, they open us up to a deeper level of divine grace and healing. This heavenly support can accelerate and intensify physical, emotional and spiritual healing. 2. strengthening trust and hope The idea that a servant of God is praying for our healing in the background can strengthen our confidence and hope in the healing process. It reassures us that we are not alone and that divine forces are actively working for our well-being. This trust and hope is often crucial to the healing process as it encourages us to stay positive and trust God's guidance. 3. protection during the healing process As we focus on healing, we are often vulnerable and sensitive. The intercession of a messenger of God offers us additional protection during this time. This protection can protect us from negative influences and ensure that our healing process is undisturbed and in line with God's plan. 4. guidance and wisdom in dealing with illness Prophets of God offer not only support through prayer, but also guidance and wisdom. They can help us to make the right decisions, whether in relation to medical treatments or lifestyle changes that promote our healing. This divine wisdom can also help us understand the spiritual meaning of our illness and draw lessons from it that enrich our lives. 5. encouragement and inner peace Silent intercession through a messenger of God often brings a deep inner peace and encouragement. This heavenly support helps us to go through the healing process with serenity and confidence. The inner peace we experience through this support can have a positive effect on our physical and emotional health. Conclusion: The transformative power of prayer for healing in the background from a prophet of God Prayer for healing, backed by a messenger of God, offers a powerful and profound form of spiritual support. It opens us to the deep healing power of God, strengthens our trust and hope, and provides protection and guidance during the healing process. This heavenly intercession reminds us that we are never alone - even in the most challenging times of our healing journey. Use the power of prayer and the support of a prophet of God to strengthen and accelerate your healing process. Open your heart to the silent but powerful force of divine intercession and experience how God's healing power can transform your life.   Do you want us to pray for you (additionally)? Send your prayer for healing now. Also note this topic:

  • What does a personal prayer request in the form of wishes involve? 

    What does a personal prayer request in the form of wishes involve?   A personal prayer request in the form of wishes is an individual request or concern that someone makes in their prayer. It often reflects deeply personal needs, hopes or challenges. Here are the main components of such a prayer request: 1. clarity of the request: - Concrete request: The request should be clear and specific. It could be a specific request for help, guidance, healing, protection or blessing. - Example: “I ask for healing for my sick mother” or “I ask for wisdom to make a difficult decision.” 2. intention and motivation: - Inner attitude: the intention behind the prayer should be honest and sincere. It is about expressing your own wishes and needs in an honest dialog with God. - Example: “I pray that I will find the strength to show patience and understanding.” 3. gratitude: - Giving thanks for what has already been received: It is often helpful to include gratitude in prayer to give thanks for what has already been received and to show a positive attitude. - Example: “Thank you for the many blessings in my life and for the support I have already received.” 4. humility and submission: - Admission of limitations: Humility is emphasized in many religious traditions. This means acknowledging that you are not always in control and are open to God's will. - Example: “I ask for your guidance, but I accept that your plan may be different than my desire.” See also on this topic:   5. intercession: - Prayer for others: Personal prayer requests can also include intercessions for others who need support, healing or guidance. - Example: “I pray for the healing of my friend who is struggling with health problems.” 6 Hope and trust: - Faith in answering: prayer should be accompanied by hope and trust that God hears the requests and may answer in a way that is best. - Example: “I trust that you will hear my request and help me according to your will.” 7. benevolence and positivity: - Wish for good: the wording of wishes should be positive and good-natured, without negative intentions or harm to others. - Example: “I wish for peace and harmony in my family and ask for your help so that we can grow together.” Summary: A personal prayer request in the form of wishes involves the clear and sincere expression of needs and hopes, accompanied by gratitude, humility, intercession, hope and positive desire. It is a form of personal expression and dialog that reflects spiritual connection and trust in God.   Do you want us to pray for you (additionally)? Send your personal prayer request now.

  • Tradition (Hadith) Topic Donations

    Tradition (Hadith) Topic Donations   Abû Huraira (r) reported: >> God's Messenger (s) said: “God, the Exalted, said: 'Donate (to the poor), children of Adam, then I will donate to you.' “ <<   (Bukhârî and Muslim)     From: Allah's Messenger said ... S. 154 Selection and translation from the Arabic Ahmad v. Denffer et al. Further blog posts:   What does hadith mean? “Hadith” is an Arabic word that can be translated as ‘narration’, ‘tradition’ or ‘saying’. A hadith is a narrated statement, action or approval of the Prophet Muhammad (S). Alongside the Qur'an, hadiths are an important source for the Islamic way of life. They were handed down and collected orally and in writing by the Prophet's companions and later generations.   We pray for you. Whether you pray and we pray for you in parallel or you don't. Send a prayer for health now.

  • What are the 77 branches of faith? 

    What are the 77 branches of faith?   The 77 branches of faith are based on a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad in which he says: “Faith consists of seventy and a few branches, the highest of which is the statement There is no god but God, and the lowest is the removal of an obstacle from the path. And shame is a branch of faith.” This hadith indicates that faith can be divided into many different aspects that affect the daily life of a believer. The branches of faith: 1. belief in God 2. belief in the angels 3. faith in the books of God 4. faith in the prophets 5. belief in the day of judgment 6. belief in the predestined 7. belief in life after death 8 Love for God 9. love for the Prophet Muhammad 10. love for the Prophet's family 11. love for the Prophet's companions 12. love for the believing people 13. love of kinship 14. love for the needy 15. the pursuit of knowledge 16. the pursuit of wisdom 17. truthfulness 18. honesty 19. trustworthiness 20. gratitude to God 21. patience 22. humility 23. sincerity 24. adherence to the Qur'an and the Sunnah 25. repentance 26. remembering God 27. recitation of the Qur'an 28. praying 29. fasting 30. almsgiving 31. pilgrimage to Mecca 32. honoring the month of fasting 33 Fasting on the day of 'Arafah 34 Fasting on the day of Ashura 35. fasting on the white days (13th, 14th and 15th of the month) 36. charity 37. hospitality 38. handing over the rights of the people 39. the fulfillment of obligations 40. supporting the needy 41. removing obstacles in the way 42. striving for good behavior 43. good neighborliness 44. kindness to parents 45. visiting relatives 46. visiting the sick 47. attending funerals 48 Prayer for the Prophet 49. performing marriages 50. remembering death 51 Intercession for others 52 Praying for the deceased 53. the removal of bitterness 54. supporting the poor and orphans 55. working for the common good 56) Giving useful knowledge 57. working for justice 58. the fight against injustice 59. patience with the severity of life 60. the protection of honor 61 Preserving purity 62 Preserving dignity 63 The defense of Islam 64 Love of the good 65. the aversion to evil 66. protection of the tongue 67 Protection of the eyes 68 Protection of the ears 69 Protection of the heart 70 Trust in God 71 Fear of God 72 Hope in God's mercy 73 Giving good advice 74. protection of the environment 75. the promotion of justice 76. the promotion of peace 77. believing in the benefits of the good and avoiding the bad This list includes various aspects of faith, from beliefs to acts of worship to ethical and social behaviors that a believer should cultivate in his or her daily life. Do you want us to (additionally) pray for you? Send your prayer request online now. Also note this topic:

  • Can you have someone else pray for you?

    Can you have someone else pray for you?   Yes, it is common and accepted in many religious traditions to have another person pray for you. This concept of “intercessory prayer” or “prayer of intercession” is especially common in communities of believers. Here are some aspects of how and why people pray for others: 1. intercession as a sign of community: - Asking others for prayer is an expression of connectedness within a faith community. It shows that people support each other and that faith is a collective experience in which people stand up for each other. 2. strengthening through common prayer: - Many believers believe that praying together, especially when several people are praying for the same cause, can be empowering. It is often seen as a powerful form of prayer as it focuses the energy and faith of many people. 3. support in difficult times: - When people are in difficult situations - whether through illness, loss or other challenges - it is common for them to ask others for prayer. This intercession can provide comfort and a sense that you are not alone. 4. ritual and formal prayers: - In some traditions, there are formal rituals in which specially trained individuals, such as priests, pastors, or spiritual leaders, pray for others. These prayers may be part of a mass, service or special ritual. 5. importance of intention: - The intention behind the prayer is important. When someone prays for you, they bring positive energy, compassion and support to your situation. This positive spiritual attitude is often perceived as beneficial and empowering. 6. mutual prayer: - It is also common for people in a prayer group or community to pray for each other. Everyone brings up their own concerns and at the same time prays for the concerns of others. This creates a deep spiritual connection and community. See also this topic:     7 Religious traditions and practice: - In the Catholic Church, for example, praying to the saints or asking for intercession is a widespread practice. Believers ask the saints to pray for them before God and to intercede for their intentions. - In many other Christian, Muslim and other traditions, there are similar concepts in which people ask for the prayers of others in order to receive divine support. Conclusion: It is perfectly fine and even common in many cultures and religions to ask others for prayer. Whether it's friends, family, spiritual leaders or a faith community, praying for others is an important part of spiritual practice that fosters community and can provide comfort and support. Do you want us to (additionally) pray for you? Send your prayer request online now Prayer for inner peace.

  • Asking God for forgiveness (Hadith)

    ``'isha (r) reported: >> The Messenger of God (s) used to say often before his death: “Glory be to God, and all praise is due to Him! I ask God for forgiveness and turn to Him in repentance!” <<     * in the original: Subhân-ALLÂHi wa bi hamdih. AstaghfiruLLÂH wa atûbu ilayh.   (Bukhârî and Muslim)   What does hadith mean? “Hadith” is an Arabic word that can be translated as ‘narration’, ‘tradition’ or ‘saying’. A hadith is a narrated statement, action or approval of the Prophet Muhammad (S). Alongside the Qur'an, hadiths are an important source for the Islamic way of life. They were handed down and collected orally and in writing by the Prophet's companions and later generations.   We pray for you. Whether you pray and we pray for you in parallel or you don't. Send a prayer for health now.     More blog posts:

  • 🔮 Do you want more clarity and serenity in your life?

    🔮 Do you want more clarity and serenity in your life? We support you with our spiritual life coaching and counseling! 🌿💡 Impressive, isn't it? Contact us today at and find out more! #Clarity #Calmness #Consciousness

  • How do I start praying?

    How do I start praying?   Prayer can be a very personal and individual practice for many people, tailored to their own beliefs and needs. If you want to start praying, you can approach it in simple steps. Here is a guide that might help you: 1. find a quiet place: - Find a place where you can be undisturbed and concentrate. This can be a quiet room, a place in nature or a special area in your home. 2. adopt a comfortable posture: - You can kneel, sit, stand or lie down - whatever feels best for you. The important thing is that you feel comfortable and can concentrate on the prayer. 3. begin with a moment of silence: - Before you begin the actual prayer, take a moment to quiet your mind. Breathe in and out deeply to tune into the prayer. 4. say or think your prayer: - Salutation: Begin your prayer by addressing God. Depending on your tradition, this could be “Dear God”, “Heavenly Father”, “Almighty Lord” or another expression. - Thanksgiving: You can begin with an expression of gratitude. This could be for the blessings in your life, nature, your health, or anything else you are grateful for. - Supplication: After this, you can ask for guidance, protection, strength or whatever you need in your life. You can also pray for other people who need support or healing. - Repentance: If you wish, you can also ask for forgiveness for mistakes or sins and express your intention to mend your ways. - Conclusion: End your prayer, for example, by concluding it with “Amen,” which means “So be it,” or another closing phrase that makes sense to you. - Also note this topic:ützt-mir-dasören-um-zu-gott-zu-beten     5. listen: - After saying or thinking your prayer, take a moment of silence to listen for an inner response or insight. This can be considered part of prayer where you are open to divine guidance or inspiration. 6. develop regularity: - Make praying a regular practice, whether daily or several times a week. Regularity will help you develop a deeper spiritual connection. 7. be open and authentic: - Your prayer doesn't have to be perfectly worded. It's about being honest and open. Speak from your heart what moves you. It can be loud or quiet, in the form of pre-formulated prayers or in your own words. Example of a simple prayer: - “Dear God, I thank you for this day. I ask for your guidance and protection. Give me strength to face the challenges of the day and help me to be a good person. Please also be with my loved ones and grant them peace and health. Amen.” These steps should serve as a guide for you. You can customize your prayer according to your own needs and beliefs. The most important aspect is the sincerity and the inner connection you feel during the prayer. Do you want us to pray for you (additionally)? Send your prayer for forgiveness now.

  • Tradition (Hadith) Topic: Effort in matters of God

    Abû Yahyâ Khuraim Ibn Fâtik (r) reported: >> The Messenger of Allâh (s) said: “Whoever spends anything in the cause of God, this will be repaid to him seven hundredfold.” <<   (Tirmîdhî*)   * a good hadîth   What does hadith mean? “Hadith” is an Arabic word that can be translated as ‘narration’, ‘tradition’ or ‘saying’. A hadith is a narrated statement, action or approval of the Prophet Muhammad (S). Alongside the Qur'an, hadiths are an important source for the Islamic way of life. They were handed down and collected orally and in writing by the Prophet's companions and later generations.   We pray for you. Whether you pray and we pray for you in parallel or you don't. Send a prayer for health now.     More blog posts:

  • Tradition (Hadith) Topic fear of God

    Tradition (Hadith) Topic fear of God     Abû Huraira (r) reported: >> Allâh's Messenger (s) said: “The noblest person is the most God-fearing among them.” <<   (Bukhârî)   What does hadith mean? “Hadith” is an Arabic word that can be translated as ‘narration’, ‘tradition’ or ‘saying’. A hadith is a narrated statement, action or approval of the Prophet Muhammad (S). Alongside the Qur'an, hadiths are an important source for the Islamic way of life. They were handed down and collected orally and in writing by the Prophet's companions and later generations.   We pray for you. Whether you pray and we pray for you in parallel or you don't. Send a prayer for health now.   More blog posts:

  • What protection does regular prayer (prayer for protection and blessing) provide?

    What protection does regular prayer (prayer for protection and blessing) provide? Praying regularly is seen in many religious traditions as a practice that offers protection to those praying in various ways - spiritually, psychologically and emotionally. Here are some of the aspects of protection associated with regular prayer for protection and blessing: 1. spiritual protection: o Divine protection: many believers see prayer as a way to place themselves under the protection of God. By praying regularly, one asks for divine guidance, protection from danger and evil influences as well as blessings for oneself and others. o Strengthening faith: Regular prayer strengthens faith, which acts as spiritual protection. A strong faith can help to resist temptations and remain steadfast in difficult times. o Please also note on this topic: 2. psychological protection: o Reducing anxiety and stress: Prayer can help to reduce anxiety and stress as it is a form of meditation and inner gathering. It offers a moment of calm and retreat in which one can let go of worries and stresses. o Sense of control: Prayer provides a sense of control and security as you feel connected to God and entrust your worries to Him. 3. emotional stability: o Comfort in difficult times: Praying regularly can provide emotional comfort, especially during difficult times in life. It offers an opportunity to process pain, loss or grief and to strengthen oneself internally. o Sense of community: Especially in communal forms of prayer, people feel less alone because they know that others are also praying for them or with them. 4. moral and ethical orientation: o Strengthening virtues: Praying for protection often promotes virtues such as patience, gratitude and charity. This can help to remain morally and ethically stable and protect against bad decisions or actions. 5. protection from bad influences: o Self-reflection and purification: In praying for protection, many people reflect on their actions and ask forgiveness for mistakes. This can help to recognize and avoid bad behavior, thereby protecting oneself from negative consequences. In summary, praying regularly provides protection on multiple levels by promoting spiritual connection, psychological strength, emotional stability and moral clarity. It creates a space of safety in which the praying person can seek both inner peace and outer protection.

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